Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mediation and Advocacy Integration of mediation and advocacy within a human services agency

Through exploring information from different sources to find the underlying idea that is connecting the sources and the availability of information Pertaining current trends though advocacy and mediation in the human services agencies. Therefore, my prime objective is to review various spectrums of mediation and advocacy to the human services and provide knowledgeable understanding of the positive impact of integration.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mediation and Advocacy: Integration of mediation and advocacy within a human services agency specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To begin with, the definition of mediation refers to an act of a neutral third party who enters into negotiations with two or more conflicting parties. The aim of the mediator is find ways of initiating dialogue hence enhancing communication. This is done by trying to come up with an agreement or conclusion over a conflict existing between th e parties (Barsky2007). To advocate is to work on behalf of a Client in solving of cases. The advocate tries to foster a different type of relationship or employ Strategies that are likely to be appropriate depending on the issue at hand (Barsky2000). Human services agencies refer to organizations whose objective is to assist individuals improve the quality of their lives. The aim of advocates is to meet the need of the individuals though advocating for them where necessary. Advocacy and mediation are integrated into different dimensions of the human Services, it is within a human service agency on a national or international level that requires an individual who is ethical, knowledgeable, open-minded and understanding. This individual has a clearly defined stance for personal beliefs in an organization while advocating for Individuals depend on mediators. Hence advocates enlighten them of their rights and protection in order for them to seek justice where necessary. Many people pre fer advocate’s assistance due to their lack of knowledge of laws and procedures to be followed when seeking for justice and protection. The means of communication at this stage are advocated and mediated on to ensure that the relationship between parties remains intact, and solutions to their grievances are accepted by the both parties (The Association of Attorney-Mediators, 2001). This makes sure that the solution agreed upon by the conflicting parties in the presence of the mediator is respected. Therefore, my opinion is that mediation and advocacy is crucial in numerous dimensions and to be specific in the human service field. There are various conflicts that could not be resolved if somebody did not intervene to mediate. Many individuals’ rights could have been obliged, and not even an ounce of justice extended to those who deserve it in various situations.Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first p aper with 15% OFF Learn More In accordance to that a win-win situation can be established in various fields, for example, in parenthood, the National Casa Association is an organization that provides volunteers to assist the abused and neglected children. Besides, if it were not for mediation between the officials in other states, planning for Parenthood could become none exist. Victim Offender Mediation Association (VOMA) is a program that allows the person who offends others to come face to face with their victim. Trained mediators bring together the conflicting parties together to discuss along with family and friends. In the meeting, they discuss the effects of the crime committed also find a mutual plan to compensate the victim for the losses suffered due to the crime. Conclusively, this integration of advocacy and mediation has led to the general contribution of the wellness of human service agencies. This has enabled many individuals who take actions of seeking for a dvocates to protect their rights. It has also helped to resolve conflicts in the society through mediators, where by preventing the worst case scenarios. Works Cited Barsky, Allen. E. Conflict Resolution for the Helping Professions. Belmont: Wadsworth.2007.Print. The Association of Attorney-Mediators. Association of Attorney-Mediators Ethical Guidelines for Mediators. 2001. Web.1 December 2011. This essay on Mediation and Advocacy: Integration of mediation and advocacy within a human services agency was written and submitted by user Sarah Watson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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