Thursday, October 31, 2019

Event ads and sales promotion for viejas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Event ads and sales promotion for viejas - Essay Example Some of the stores were not up to the mark for such a store and didn’t match up to the decor of the place 3. There wasn’t as much value for money in the outlet However, people did seem to enjoy all the activities at the outlet such as bowling, the casino, the video game section and so on. They also seemed to really appreciate the customer service at the outlet. So, all hope isn’t lost for Viejas Outlet. ( Since the quality of products from the various stores in the outlet is really not something that the outlet can control, it makes more sense for the outlet to concentrate on flocking people to their stores by building up on their strength: the entertainment, and then giving people incentive to purchase from their stores. Once people have a good time and get incentive to purchase, they will. Following is a promotion strategy that will bring people to the store and help improve sales. A promotion strategy is the communication strategy of an agency defined , along with the tools that are to be used to spread the word. (Obringer) The Ultimate Gaming Champion This is a contest in which consumers will be invited to the outlet and can register to participate and be crowned the â€Å"Ultimate Gaming Champion†. ... The event will be spread out over a time period of 8 to 12 weeks. All people who enter any of the entertainment zones such as the arcade, the casino, the ice rink, etc. will be given a booklet when they purchase their ticket. Then, at the end of their play, their points will be entered into their booklet and they may take it home. The next time they play, their points will be added again and so on. Whoever manages to collect the most points in each activity at the end of the time frame, will be given coupons worth $500 to shop at the outlet and the person who collects the most points in total will be declared the grand prize winner: The Ultimate Gaming Champion and could win $2500 worth of vouchers to shop at the Viejas. There can also be weekly prizes worth $100 for the top scorer of the week. Benefit of the activity: This activity will have many benefits if executed. First, it will get the attention of the consumer. Second, it will ensure customer return, repeatedly, if they are ho oked to the game. Next, it will attract a crowd for some of the games and catch their interest. When this event is promoted, it will create a buzz for the Viejas Outlet and even if it just for the sake of the games, people will flock to the stores. Sales Promotion ideas for the event: Just randomly conducting the event for The Ultimate Gaming Champion on its own won’t do. It is essential to promote this event among all so that there is a response. While is it true that not everyone can be reached, it is essential to at least spread some awareness so people may show some interest in the event. Some sales promotion ideas that can be used are: (Allen) 1. A teaser campaign: To create come buzz about the event, there can be small

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Vertical Road Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Vertical Road - Essay Example Akram got support from choregraphers , saphad and danceXchange and this made himdo more collaboration,understands the power o his art and support from other performers. Akram with his company of three got several sponsors like Yorkshire dance, Xchange amoung others and the group thrive and went ahead to win awards at their debut in major events. The group attracted many dances and later their were recruitment of dancers in Akram khan company . the group consist of Europe cultural diversities,backround and eventually there were merging to represent a single team which even made the group more interesting in terms of presentation and almalgamation of different dancing styles. He collaborate with other artitists like Sylvie guillem,Juliet Binoche,Anishkapoor for half a decade and he came to like his homeland culture to perform as a solo artiste back at his homeland. Throughtout his work ,Akram work hand in hand several designers, music producers,writers to ensure the success of his artistic work, them include award winning lighting designer Michael Hulls and the music producer Nitin Sawhney in performing the vertical road dance Vertical road is a spiritual performance based on rumi . The performances has enable diverse cultures and traditions to be as if its one community dance with no boundaries. The dance is a company of eight, it is a meditation on spirituality, on the difficulty of pursuing the â€Å"vertical road† towards truth and enlightenment when engrossed and in thrall to the â€Å"horizontal path† of contemporary life. The play vertical road starts by one single dancer at the back o the cloth like membrane sending ripples all over from left to right and so on.The other seven dancers were lying down infront of the cloth with great expectation and after some short moment the ripples was intense to break the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Examining The Blood Disorder Of Haemophilia Biology Essay

Examining The Blood Disorder Of Haemophilia Biology Essay Haemophilia, or hemophilia is a group of inherited blood disorders in which the blood does not clot properly. Known as a rare disease to individuals, Haemophilia has two main inheritable types, Haemophilia and Haemophilia B. Haemophilia is due in part to defective blood vessels, coagulation mechanisms or blood platelets. An affected individual may bleed spontaneously or for longer than a healthy person after injury or surgery. The paper will discuss in detail and in parts what exactly these diseases are, who suffers from them, what causes them, characteristic traits, statistics, locations , what are symptoms and treatments , research on the subject as well the social impact of these diseases. Many of those who suffer from these diseases have many changes and things they must do so they will not die from the complications of their diseases. The paper uses much information from many distinguished sources and cites them at the end of the paper. The paper also uses diagrams to help show how the genetics of passing down the defective genes. What is Haemophilia ? Hemophilia is a group of inherited blood disorders in which the blood does not clot properly. Known as a rare disease Bleeding disorders are due in part to defectsive blood vessels, coagulation mechanisms or blood platelets. An affected individual may bleed spontaneously or for longer than a healthy person after injury or surgery. The blood coagulation mechanism is a process which transforms the blood from a liquid into a solid, and involves several different clotting factors. The mechanism generates fibrin when it is activated, which together with the platelet plug, stops the bleeding. When coagulation factors are missing or deficient the blood does not clot properly and bleeding continues. Hemophilia can be divided into two major types: hemophilia A or hemophilia B. 9 out of 10 people who have hemophilia will have type A hemophilia which means the body is missing or has low levels of clotting factor 8. If the person has type B, then they are missing or have low levels of clotting f actor 9. In addition, hemophilia is usually genetically acquired but some can develop hemophilia during their lifetime. This can happen if the body forms to the clotting factors in your bloodstream. The antibodies can prevent the clotting factors from working. What causes haemophilia ? Haemophilia is caused by a malfunction in the X chromosome. To most recessive sex-linked, X chromosome disorders, haemophilia is more likely to occur in males rather than females. This is because females have two X chromosomes while males have only one, lacking a back up copy for the defective gene; meaning, the defective gene is guaranteed to manifest in any male who carries it. Because females have two X chromosomes and because haemophilia is rare, the chance of a female having two defective copies of the gene is very low, thus females are almost exclusively asymptomatic carriers of the disorder. Female carriers may inherit the defective gene from either their mother, father, or it may be a new mutation. Only under rare circumstances do females actually have haemophilia. (Center for Disease Control) Who suffers from Haemophilia Females possess two X-chromosomes, males have one X and one Y chromosome. Since the mutations causing the disease are recessive, a woman carrying the defect on one of her X-chromosomes may not be affected by it, as the equivalent allele on her other chromosome should express itself to produce the necessary clotting factors. However, the Y-chromosome in men has no gene for factors VIII or IX. If the genes responsible for production of factor VIII or factor IX present on a males X-chromosome are deficient there is no equivalent on the Y-chromosome, so the deficient gene is not masked by the dominant allele and he will develop the illness. Since a male receives his single X-chromosome from his mother, the son of a healthy female silently carrying the deficient gene will have a 50% chance of inheriting that gene from her and with it the disease; and if his mother is affected with haemophilia, he will have a 100% chance of being a haemophiliac. While, for a female to inherit the disease, she must receive two deficient X-chromosomes, one from her mother and the other from her father (who must therefore be a haemophiliac himself). Hence haemophilia is far more common among males than females. However, it is possible for female carriers to become mild haemophiliacs due to inactivation of the X chromosomes. Haemophiliac daughters are more common than they once were, as improved treatments for the disease have allowed more haemophiliac males to survive to adulthood and become parents. Adult females may experience heavy periods due to the bleeding tendency. The pattern of inheritance is criss-cross type. This type of pattern i s also seen in colour blindness. A mother who is a carrier has a 50% chance of passing the faulty X chromosome to her daughter, while an affected father will always pass on the affected gene to his daughters. A son cannot inherit the defective gene from his father. As with all genetic disorders, it is of course also possible for a human to acquire it spontaneously through mutation, rather than inheriting it, because of a new mutation in one of their parents gametes. Spontaneous mutations account for about 33% of all cases of haemophilia A. About 30% of cases of haemophilia B are the result of a spontaneous gene mutation. Demographics/Location Haemophiliacsa re primarily male although there are a rare instances of femleas having it too. The disease it self does have any numbers to any particular ethnicity but Haemophilia was featured prominently in European royalty and thus is sometimes known as the royal disease. Queen Victoria passed the mutation to her son Leopold and, through several of her daughters, to various royals across the continent, including the royal families of Spain, Germany, and Russia. In Russia, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, son of Nicholas II, was a descendant of Queen Victoria through his mother Empress Alexandra and suffered from haemophilia. Statistics Annual incidence of haemophilia is estimated at 1/5,000 male births and the prevalence is estimated at 1/12,000. About 400 babies are born with hemophilia each year. The exact number of people living with hemophilia in the United States is not knownbut the current estimate is about 20,000. In the United States, most people with hemophilia are diagnosed at a very young age. What Symptoms are shown? The major signs and symptoms of hemophilia are excessive bleeding and easy bruising. Bleeding can occur on externally or internally. Signs of excessive external bleeding include: bleeding in the mouth from a cut or bite or from cutting or losing a tooth, nosebleeds, heavy bleeding from a minor cut, bleeding from a cut that resumes after stopping for a short time. Signs of internal bleeding include blood in the urine (from bleeding in the kidneys or bladder) and blood in the stool (from bleeding in the intestines or stomach). Internal bleeding in the brain is a very serious complication of hemophilia that can happen after a simple bump on the head or a more serious injury. Many serious complications can also arise from bleeding into various body systems. Hemarthrosis is a bleeding into joint spaces and may be prevalent to those with a more serius from of the disease. How is it Diagnosed? Genetic testing and genetic counselling is recommended for families with haemophilia. Prenatal testing, such as amniocentesis, is available to pregnant women who may be carriers of the condition. Based on CDC data, the median age at diagnosis is 36 months for people with mild hemophilia, 8 months for those with moderate hemophilia, and 1 month for those with severe hemophilia. In about two thirds of cases, there is a family history of hemophilia. The diagnosis of hemophilia is made using a special blood test and most babies can be tested soon after birth. Sometimes prenatal genetic testing is done to diagnose hemophilia before birth. Research With the severe problems that arise with Haemophilia, numerous doctors are currently working to find a cure to treat this disease. One research study that may help to understand and find a cure dealt with Inhibitors in mild/moderate haemophilia A. Haemophilia A is caused by a deficiency of factor (F) VIII. Therapy is based on the replacement of FVIII to haemostatically adequate levels for the prevention or treatment of bleeds. Inhibitors neutralising the haemostatic effects of FVIII have been recognised as a complication of haemophilia since the introduction of replacement therapy. In MMHA, they occur later in life than in severe haemophilia and are generally associated with a change in bleeding pattern. Many of these patients experience severe spontaneous bleeding in joints and muscles Two cases were studied , patient 1 and patient 2. In the first , the patient was given drugs that prevented the formation of inhibitors and allowed the factor to prevail. In patient 2 , the patient re ceived a different treatment and still getting that treatment ot prevent inhibitors from forming. In the second the patient did not get the same type of treatment and thus still suffered from bleeding. A range of therapeutic options to eradicate the inhibitor is currently available and a variety of treatments can also be used to treat the bleeding episodes. However, the optimal treatment regimen for the eradication of inhibitors in MMHA and for the treatment of bleeding episodes have yet to be established. Social Impact Many think people with hemophilia cannot live a normal life, which is not true. In order for people with hemophilia to live normal lives, they must take steps to prevent bleeding problems. The first step they do is to get in contact with the federal government about finding a hemophilia treatment center. This center will provide resources for families and people affected by hemophilia. Precautions one can take to avoid complications is to follow your treatment plan exactly, get regular checkups and vaccinations, and tell all of your health care providers that you have hemophilia, get regular dental care, and know the signs and symptoms of bleeding in joints and other parts of the body. People who have mild hemophilia can take part in a variety of activities. Those who have severe hemophilia should avoid contact sports and other activities that are likely to lead to injuries that could cause bleeding. Physical therapists at Hemophilia Treatment Centers can develop exercise programs tailored to your needs and teach you how to exercise safely. Its usually not safe for people who have bleeding problems to participate in contact sports, such as football, hockey, and wrestling and thus they should exercise extreme caution.. To prevent bleeding, one may be able to take clotting factors prior to exercise or a sporting event. Patients with hemophilia should avoid medicines that increase the risk of bleeding like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines and should go to a doctort if there is bruising or tingling in their joints as this may cause them to bleed internally.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mental Imagery on Athletic Performance Essay -- Athletics Sports Neuro

Mental Imagery on Athletic Performance What is Mental Imagery? Mental imagery, also called visualization and mental rehearsal, is defined as experience that resembles perceptual experience, but which occurs in the absence of the appropriate stimuli for the relevant perception ( Whenever we imagine ourselves performing an action in the absence of physical practice, we are said to be using imagery. While most discussions of imagery focus on the visual mode, there exists other modes of experience such as auditory and kinesthetic that are just as important. However, for the purposes of this paper, only visual imagery will be discussed for it is the most relevant mode concerning athletic performance. Claims Although sports psychology is becoming more prevalent in today’s society, there is a surprising lack of web sites that endorse and offer visual imagery skills for sports. The few advertisements that I found endorse tapes which claim to rapidly improve your athletic skill, concentration, and endurance. Visual imagery advocates purport that this technique increases energy and avoids injuries as well. Not only will visualization improve athletic performance but the ads also claim that it will enhance motivation and overall enjoyment of the sport ( Peak Performance Sports looks to sell tapes that has the "latest methods in sports psychology", one of them being mental imagery, which will elevate your game to a new level. The tapes will increase confidence, focus and self-composure which will in turn, improve your athletic performance. These tapes can work for any type of athlete, whether they are profes... ...xercise Psychology, 17(1), 54-69. Murphy, S. (1990). Models of Imagery in Sport Psychology: A Review. Journal of Mental Imagery, 14 (3&4), 153-172. Orlick, T., Zitzelsberger, L., LI-Wei, Z., & Qi-wei, M. (1992). The Effect of Mental-Imagery Training on Performance Enhancement With 7-10-Year-Old Children. The Sports Psychologist, 6, 230-241. Pavio, A. (1985). Cognitive and Motivational Functions of Imagery in Human Performance. Journal of Applied Sports Science, 10, 22-28. Porter, K., Foster, J. Visual Athletics. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Publishers, 1990. Roure, R., et al. (1998). Autonomic Nervous System Responses Correlate with Mental Rehearsal in Volleyball Training. Journal of Applied Physiology, 78(2), 99-108. Suinn, R. Psychological Techniques for Individual Performance. New York, New York: Macmillan, 1990. p 492-506.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How does Hughes convey his response to pike in the poem? Essay

Hughes’ responses to the pike include admiration, curiosity, respect, fear and horror. He shows this through use of description, similes and metaphors. During the poem his fear of the pike increases from section to section. He describes the pike as â€Å"perfect†, â€Å"stunned by their own grandeur†, showing his respect for them. In this, the first, stanza he shows his admiration and fear of the pike with the phrase â€Å"They dance on the surface among the flies†. This metaphorical phrase shows admiration through â€Å"dance on the surface†, which shows beauty and grace of movement but it shows fear through â€Å"among the flies† as this can be taken to mean that the pike are ‘the lords of the flies’ which means devil; the word ‘tigering’ evokes a sense of beauty and fear at the same time, much like the tiger. In the first stanza he also shows his fear of them by saying that they are â€Å"killers from the egg: the malevolent aged grin†, this phrase coupled with the next line shows the pike as devilish killers, who have no choice in the fact that they kill, yet take pride in knowing that they have killed; pike are horrifying, destruct ive and fearful monsters. Their â€Å"malevolent aged grin† coupled with â€Å"hooked clamp and fangs/Not to be changed at this date† conjure the image of a terrifying, emotionless killing machine with a permanent glum expression, that will not let go of its prey once it has sunk its teeth in. The â€Å"aged grin† gives the pike an appearance of inborn wisdom. â€Å"In ponds, under the heat-struck lily pads—†, the pike’s evil behaviour is demonstrated by its choice to hide in shadows under lily-pads. This associates the pike with darkness, a common factor amongst predatory creatures. â€Å"Of submarine delicacy and horror./A hundred feet long in their world.† â€Å"Gloom of their stillness:† â€Å"The gills kneading quietly, and the pectorals† These show the pike as being very silent; able to sneak up and ambush their prey. These egotistical predators are much like the dangerous and beauteous submarine gliding silently through the water. In the second section of the poem, stanza 5 – 6 and a half, a truly vivid illustration of the pike’s behaviour is demonstrated where we see that there were three pike in a tank who, although were being fed enough food(fry), started to eat each other. This is emphasised by â€Å"With a sag belly and the grin it was born with† which shows that the pike seems to enjoy and is proud of the fact that it has killed and eaten its brethren. Hughes uses this to show how horrifically uncaring and evil pike are, even towards their own kind; this is the first glimpse we have of the violent nature of the pike; yet this may not be a true glimpse of their nature but rather an evasive and illusory glimpse, caused by the pike being trapped in a tank . In the third section, stanza 6 and a half – 7, the pike’s full-scale craving for violence is brought closer still to the reader. There is no longer a glass wall to protect us from the pike as in the previous section. Two large pike are caught and tied up to dry out in the sun. One of the pike is â€Å"jammed past its gills down the other’s gullet†. In order to prevent us from mistakenly assuming that the violence exhibited by the pike â€Å"kept behind glass† was a result of their captivity, Hughes establishes the presence of the same savagery manifested in the wild. This also shows desire for supremacy which could be interpreted as causing one pike to kill another in the only way it knows how, this is similar to human nature and shows that a pike is willing to step on anyone and anything that gets in the way of it becoming top of the food chain. In the fourth section, stanza 8 – 11, we see how dangerous the pike have become, as the persona, who used to keep pet pike, is now frightened of them. We know this from â€Å"That past nightfall I dared not cast†, which shows his fear of what the pike might do to him if he couldn’t see them. This is emphasised by a human belief that with darkness evil becomes more powerful; in this case the evils of the pike. This last section also gives the pike a mythic quality â€Å"Pike too immense to stir, so immense and old†. It also produces an air of fear and suspense, which is shown through â€Å"Darkness beneath night’s darkness had freed, /That rose slowly towards me watching†. The suspenseful and fearful feelings, at the end, make the reader feel that, one of these monster pike could come up at any time and kill him.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Literary Physics

Syllabus dot point| Notes| * process information from secondary sources to describe an example of hybridisation within a species and explain the purpose of this hybridisation| Hybridisation – two genetically different strains of an organism are crossed to produce offspring with desirable characteristics. i. e. cross breeding cattle to produce better meat, which will benefit for human consumption Selective breeding of sheep to produce merino sheep which are hybrids produced by interbreeding other sheep varieties.Interbreeding other varieties of corn to produce the resultant hybrid corn that was hardy and produced large fruit. | * describe the process of DNA replication and explain its significance| * DNA double helix unwinds * DNA unzips * Nucleotides are added to each single strandDNA replication ensures that the genetic information is maintained. | * explain the relationship between proteins and polypeptides| A protein is made up of one or more polypeptides.A polypeptide is m ade up of a chain of many amino acids. | * analyse information from secondary sources to outline the evidence that led to Beadle and Tatum’s ‘one gene – one protein’ hypothesis and to explain why this was altered to the ‘one gene – one polypeptide’ hypothesis| Beadle and Tatum concluded that for each defective enzyme there was one gene on one specific area of a chromosome that had been mutated by irradiation. This led to their ‘one gene-one enzyme’ theory.The ‘one gene – one enzyme’ hypothesis changed to the ‘one gene – one protein’ hypothesis, once it was demonstrated that there are other proteins besides enzymes that are encoded by genes. Thomas Morgan's work led to a greater understanding of how genes are arranged on chromosomes and how genetic material can be exchanged (during crossing over) in meiosis. Morgan’s experiments showed without any doubt that: * the gene for eye colour in fruit flies is located on the X chromosome, and * hereditary factors can be exchanged between the X chromosomes of an individual.Morgan experimented with fruit flies (Drosophilia melanogaster) and determined that genes are carried on chromosomes. He used crossing over to determine locations of genes. He discovered that sex chromosomes look different to each other, and that eye colour gene in Drosophilia was located on the X chromosome, leading to the discovery of sex linkage. Boveri experimented with sea urchins and showed that a complete set of chromosomes was needed for normal development and that the NUCLEUS of a cell was concerned with inheritance.He postulated that each chromosome was different, chromosomes were transferred from one generation to the next during cell division, and that chromosomes must carry the many hereditary factors. Sutton – he observed during meiosis that chromosomes behaved randomly and gametes receive only one chromosome from each pair. | Distinguish between the terms gene and allele| A gene is a section of DNA that codes for proteins that expresses itself as the phenotype for example, two genes for eye colour. An allele is the alternative forms of a gene, i. e. for eye colour, B would code for blue while b for brown. |